FULL VIDEO Workout: Practical Yoga for Everyday People (Includes Beginner & Advanced Tracks & Bonus On-The-Go Postures)

FULL VIDEO Workout: Practical Yoga for Everyday People (Includes Beginner & Advanced Tracks & Bonus On-The-Go Postures)

When you purchase the full Practical Yoga workout video, you get both a Beginner and an Advanced version (containing all three "mix & match" workout sets for a total of 90 minutes each), so you can “grow” into a stronger you.

In addition to the workouts listed above, you also get two guided, beautiful meditations, as well as useful posture tutorials to guide you toward a safe and fun workout. You also get the “On-The-Go” BONUS track - 21 minutes of postures that you can fold into your everyday busy life! It’s time to get inspired, get fit, and be free. Total video time over 200 minutes (tutorials, meditations, workouts, etc).

FULL VIDEO Workout: Practical Yoga for Everyday People (Includes Beginner & Advanced Tracks & Bonus On-The-Go Postures)